Topic: Industrial Electrician

EQ: How can an electrician best wire a house?

Friday, April 25, 2014

Blog 19: Independent Component 2

a) I, Cesar Lopez, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.

b) Make: Electronics -Charles Platt

c) Click Here, or go to my blog here

d) Basically I completed a hands on learning guide to make electrical components in order to understand how electricity works, what can be done with it, why it behaves as it does, and how to use the tools around to create circuits and such. The kit came with many things like resistors, capacitors, transistors, etc. and my job was to follow the procedures written out and refer to the book to explain the circuits and what was going on in the experiment.

This component helps answer my EQ because there are multiple when this book discusses safety hazards such as never completing a circuit with your own body, By using that I could avoid electrocuting myself. I was also able to use this component to answer my schematics part of my answer 3 because this book does hold some of the symbols used in schematics when creating schematics. Unfortunately that's about all it could help me with because building permits are a different story and not necessarily meant for electronics.

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